Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Link Quality Based Error Correction Technique for Self-healing Wireless Sensor Networks
1B.R. Tapas Bapu and 2L.C. Siddanna Gowd
1Research Scholar, ECE Department, S.A. Engineering College, St. Peters University, Chennai
2Faculty of Electronics and Communication Engineering, AMS Engineering College, Namakkal, India
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2016 6:650-657
Received: July 7, 2015 | Accepted: November 4, 2015 | Published: March 15, 2016
In this study, we introduce a link quality based error correction technique for the self-healing WSN. Using the link adaptation algorithm the link quality is measured. And the relay nodes is selected by using the Link Quality Index (LQI) value, such that if the LQI value of a node is above the threshold value it will be chosen as a Relay node. These Relay nodes collect the data from the sensor nodes and apply Forward Error Correction (FEC) by partially decoding the incoming channel-coded data using lesser number of iterations. The FEC provides reliability with lesser transmission power. The quantity of FEC encoding is adaptively adjusted based on the measured link quality values. Multi-path routing is used in order to avoid data loss during the data transmission. With this, the data loss due to faulty path is avoided.
Forward error correction, link adaptation, link quality index, multi-path routing, self-healing, wireless sensor networks,
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CrossRef PMid:23202176 PMCid:PMC3522929
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