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     Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Development of Measurement Scale for Hypothesized Conceptual Model of E-service Quality and User Satisfaction Relationship

1Iham Tariq Ismail Al-Nuaimi, 1Ahmad Kamil Bin Mahmood, 1Emy Elyanee Mustapha and 2Hamid H.Jebur
1Department of Computer and Information Science, UniversitiTeknologiPetronas, Perak, 31750
2Faculty of Computing, UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, Johor, 81310, Malaysia
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology  2016  8:870-884
http://dx.doi.org/10.19026/rjaset.12.2787  |  © The Author(s) 2016
Received: September ‎14, ‎2015  |  Accepted: November ‎30, ‎2015  |  Published: April 15, 2016


As the Education industry becoming more competitive these days, the institutions of higher education is competing to attract students by providing better e-Services Quality (e-SQ) which can improve their relationship and enhance their satisfaction. However, measuring e-SQ and satisfaction is a complex process because they relate to users feelings which cannot be predicted and measured easily. This study aims to develop a measurement scale for hypothesized conceptual model of e-service quality and user satisfaction relationship in Malaysian universities. The hypothesized conceptual model utilises Expectancy Disconfirmation Theory model (EDT), which is based on expected outcome and perceived performance of e-services quality. Nine dimensions of e-SQ are proposed for this model based on reviewing and analysing the related literature, especially the common e-SQ measures. The dimensions include efficiency, availability, privacy/security, fulfilment, reliability, web design, interactivity, information and ease of use. A structured questionnaire is conducted in five Malaysian universities to achieve the first stage of the hypothesized model related to evaluating the dimensions and defining the significant ones suitable for evaluating the expected outcome and perceived performance of e-Service Quality (e-SQ). These dimensions represent a core of a proper scale for the quality of e-services in higher education in Malaysia and will help to measure the students’ satisfactions in the target domain.


Expectancy disconfirmation theory, e-service quality, e-service quality dimension, users,


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