Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Weighted Symbol Decision for Transmitted Reference Impulse Radio Ultra-Wideband Receiver by Modifying Hadamard Matrix
1Hamid M. Farhan, 1L.A. Latiff and 2Mohamed H. Nassir
1Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technologi, Universiti Technologi Malaysia, 54100 Jalan Semarak, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2School of Engineering, Taylor’s Universiti, Lake-Side, Selangor, Malaysia
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2016 12:1212-1220
Received: December ‎30, ‎2015 | Accepted: March ‎1, ‎2016 | Published: June 15, 2016
The UWB technique is employed in this study to exclude unusual multipath components by introducing a modified Hadamard matrix. Within the concept of this approach, IPI is totally removed and the S/N is improved. The successful UWB developments were always challenged by some external factors such as noise, interference and wrong multipath components. The challenges were treated by several researchers and, in many occasions, success was achieved in improving the data rate. The basic objectives of the improvement include removing the inter-pulse interference, distinguishing the wrong multipath components and to achieve high accuracy. Transmitted reference impulse radio ultra-wideband is only one of these techniques where it is aimed to have better detection and estimation. The analogue signals are digitalized -a crucial step that significantly pushed transmitted reference impulse radio ultra-wide to a new frontier. The basic element of this study is to digitalize the output quantities of integrable data by using analogue-to-digital convertor. The other element of this study is to modify the Hadamard matrix in transmitter and receiver to achieve total removal of inter-pulse interference. As a result, the estimation and the decision were enhanced and, on other side, a reduction in signal-to-noise ratio by amount ranges from 7.12% to about 14.42% at the receiver compared to the previous modification (modified hoped single delay). Other achievements were performed by targeting inter-pulse interference total removal and the wrong multipath error was altered which led to high accuracy, better information and less simple error rate.
Analogue-to-digital, inter-pulse interference, multi-path components, simple error rate transmitted reference impulse radio , ultra-wideband,
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