Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Removal of Manganese and Copper from Contaminated Groundwater Generated from Mines Landfills Waste Using ZV-I, AC and NZ in PRB Technology
Saad Abu-Alhail
Department of Civil Engineering, Engineering College, University of Basrah, Basra City, Iraq, Tel.: +964-7826480032
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2016 12:1229-1235
Received: January 29, 2016 | Accepted: April 4, 2016 | Published: June 15, 2016
In this study, Zero Valent Iron (ZV-I), Activated Carbon (AC) and Natural Zeolite (NZ) were utilized as reactive material for testing its effectiveness for removal manganese and copper in the waste of Mine Landfills. Hereby, four parameters were taken in this study which is initial concentration of metal, initial groundwater alkalinity PH and dosage of reactive ZV-I, AC, or NZ. Batch results show that ZV-I is the most effective materials for removal manganese and copper up to 48 ppm at low concentration of ZV-I 1990-4990 ppm while initial pH range varies between three through seven. The study discovered that ZV-I reactive compound can be used effectively for manganese removal through settling and adsorption on ZV-I, while copper is basically removed by ZV-I through direct reductive settling. Also, ACcompared to ZV-I reactive material has not significant effect on manganese removal whereas AC basically removed manganese by adsorption while Copper is removed basically by settling. The removal of Copper and manganese can be increased by increasing detention time and dosage of carbon. The study showed that manganese and copper are removed slowly and ineffective by NZ compound.
Activated Carbon (AC), manganese and copper, Natural Zeolite (NZ), Permeable Reactive Barrier (PRB), Zero Valent Iron (ZV-I),
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