Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Managing and Controlling Design Process Issues by Using Stepwise Approach Modelling
1, 2Abdelrafe Elzamly, 1Burairah Hussin, 1Norhaziah Salleh and 1Abdul Samad Shibghatullah
1Information and Communication Technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM), Malaysia
2Department of Computer Science, Al-Aqsa University, Palestine
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2016 2:85-97
Received: January 02, 2014 | Accepted: March 24, 2014 | Published: July 15, 2016
The objective of study is to introduce stepwise regression approach modelling to mitigate and manage the software design process issues in software project by using proposed controls. In addition, the software design process issues were controlled and modelled by using stepwise regression approach except risk 3. Furthermore, we illustrated the design process issues were mitigated by control techniques in Table 40. However, we need to combine more techniques and artificial optimal algorithms to mitigate the issues in software design process.
Design process, risk controls, software risk management, software design issues, stepwise approach modelling,
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