Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Assessment of Student's Perception and Teaching Methodology of Software Engineering Course (Undergraduate) at Universities in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Mohammed Alawairdhi
Al-Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2016 2:98-106
Received: March ‎19, ‎2014 | Accepted: April ‎22, ‎2014 | Published: July 15, 2016
In this research an attempt has been made to assess the students’ perceptions of learning the software engineering course and the teaching method being used to deliver the Software Engineering course at the undergraduate level at the Department of Computer science, college of computer and Information Sciences, Imam Muhammed Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, KSA. For this study we are considering the software Engineering Course (CS290) offered at the Department of Computer science, college of computer and Information Sciences, Imam Muhammed Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, KSA. The teaching method adopted to teach the CS290 course has been assessed in order to find out if the currently adopted approach matches the lately discovered 4 teaching methods for the delivery of Software Engineering course at undergraduate level. The four teaching methods (Formal authority, Personal model, Facilitator and Delegator) described by Grasha (1994) will be considered as bench mark. The students’ perception about the course contents and its importance in the industry will be assessed based on the survey. The teaching method is assessed from the teachers who are teaching this course in the last 5 years. Based on the outcome of this study, recommendations have been made for improvement.
Association of Computing Machinery (ACM), Computer Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE-CS), Computational thinking, Software Engineering Body of Knowledge (SWEBOK) , collaborative learning, Software Engineering Education Knowledge (SEEK), studentcentered and teacher-centered approaches, software engineering , Service-learning,
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