Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
A Novel Compressing a Sparse Matrix using Folding Technique
Ashwak Alabaichi, Amjad Hamead Alhusiny and Elham Mohammed Thabit
Computer Department, Sciences Collage, Kerbala University, Karbala, Iraq
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2017 8:310-319
Received: April 20, 2017 | Accepted: May 23, 2017 | Published: August 15, 2017
There are many application problems that emerge in the areas of engineering simulations, scientific computing, information retrieval and economics which use matrixes where non-zero elements are a significant minority with less than 10%. These are universal in many mathematical and scientific applications. These matrixes enable the reduction of storage and computational requirements by storing and carrying out arithmetic with, only the non-zero elements. This is the sparse matrix which must be compressed for these applications. The sparse matrix compression represents non-zero matrix entries. This study presents a novel algorithm for compressing a sparse matrix, which involves three steps. Firstly it involves the division of sparse matrix into sub-matrixes; secondly conducting several transformations; finally coding them. The novel algorithm is called folding. The compressed matrix reduces memory requirement with a good rate compared with the original sparse matrix. C++ is used in the implementation of this algorithm.
Coding, dense matrix, folding, sparse matrix, transformation, unfolding,
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