Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Suitable Clustering for Multi-shot Person Re-identification
1, 2Yousra Hadj Hassen, 1, 2Kais Loukil, 1, 2Tarek Ouni and 1, 2Mohamed Jallouli
1Computer and Embedded Systems Laboratory
2National School of Engineers of Sfax, Street of Soukra km 4.5, Sfax 3038, Tunisia
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2018 1:7-15
Received: June 29, 2017 | Accepted: October 10, 2017 | Published: January 15, 2018
This study address the problem of selecting the most informative images for multi-shot person re-identification approaches. Actually, clustering algorithms have been one of the most proposed solutions. The objective of this study is to propose a suitable clustering method for most discriminative images selection in person re-identification. Clustering methods aim to divide huge data amount into groups depending on their characteristics, so that further data processing can be easier and more manageable. Actually, clustering is concerned in multiple fields such as document treatments, video summery and image processing. Person re-identification, a new area of research deeply investigated by the vision community, would be an interest application of the clustering algorithms. Person re-identification can be defined as the process of finding the identity of an unknown person who has already been observed in a camera view. Recently, re-identifying people over large public cameras networks has become a crucial task of great importance to ensure public security. Person Re-identification approaches can be either single shot, using one image to model a person’s appearance, or multiple shot, using many images to identify a person. Actually, the real person re-identification framework is a multi-shot scenario. However, redundant images remain a challenging problem because execution time and memory consumption are significantly affected. In this study, an extensive comparison of clustering algorithms of state of art associated to a person re-identification framework is studied. Specifically, we evaluate the impact of clustering algorithms in re-identification rates. A standard re- identification framework is detailed and a synthesis of state of art methods comparison is conducted, using personal images and two standard datasets PRID_2011 and iLIDS-VID. Performing results are achieved in both person re-id rates (67.1% and 59.2%) and memory gain (92.7% and 97.8%) for Prid_2011 and iLIDS-VID datasets respectively.
Camera network, , clustering, , identity selection, , multi-shot, , person re-identification, , redundancy,
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