Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
The Citizens' Intention to Participate in E-Government Public Decision: Pilot Study
Maky H. Abdulraheem, Wan Rozaini Bt Sheik Osman and Maslinda Mohd Nadzir
School of Computing, CAS, UUM, Sintok 06010, Malaysia
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2018 3:124-131
Received: November 10, 2017 | Accepted: January 22, 2018 | Published: March 15, 2018
This research aims to examine the intention of citizens to participate in decision making of e-government. The emphasis on citizens' participation in e-government initiatives and the e-participation is to identify the importance of citizens' participation in the e-government platform and initiatives. The progress and continuous improvements of new technologies have made it possible for electronic services to be adopted and applied in e-governments to improve the citizens' e-participation. Implementation of e-government has increased in a number of nations. In common, developing countries have been lagging behind in e-government utilisation as compared to developed countries. The citizens' participation increases the effectiveness of the e-government. Previous researchers have studied citizens' participation in e-government to examine its importance. Today's globalisation requires various countries to reform the structure of their public services for efficiency and vast improvement in their delivery of the public service. This research article is meant to discuss the outcomes from the pilot study of the research to define the positive components which have an impact on citizens' participation in the public decision making of the e-government. The pilot research outcomes supported the research hypotheses because all the constructs of this research indicated Cronbach's alpha larger than 0.6 and all of them were acceptable.
Citizens' participation, citizens' self-knowledge, electronic government, information technology, public decision making, theory of planned behaviour,
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