Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Factors that Influence the Success of Knowledge Management Implementation in Jordanian Higher Education Institutions
1Malek Zakarya Alksasbeh, 2Ahmad Abedal-Hayy Al-Dalaien and 1Bassam A.Y. Alqaraleh
1Faculty of Information Technology, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma'an, Jordan
2College of Information Technology, University Tenaga National, Malaysia
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2018 7:249-260
Received: August 23, 2017 | Accepted: October 10, 2017 | Published: July 15, 2018
This study aims to explore and investigate the factors that may influence the success of Knowledge Management (KM) implementation in Jordanian Higher Education (HE) Institutions. KM has been described as a new strategic tool for creating competitive advantage in a business environment. Most of the studies have investigated the success factors of KM implementation in business organizations. The literature indicated that the field of education lacks empirical research on related topics since it has received less attention than other fields. Based on a review of the literature, our study identified and incorporated a number of key variables (namely, organizational culture, processes, measurement, organizational knowledge and Information Technology (IT) infrastructure) that are proposed to influence the success of KM implementation in Jordanian Higher Education Institutions. A total of 324 academic and non-academic staff who are working in Jordanian private universities were invited to respond to the questionnaire of this study. A total of 233 usable and complete responses were received, which produced a final response rate of 72%. The results of this study showed that IT infrastructure is the strongest predictor of KM implementation success followed by processes, measurement, organizational culture and organizational knowledge. Recommendations and directions for future research and practical applications were discussed at the end of this research article.
Educational systems, higher education institutions, information technology, knowledge management, success factors,
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