Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Genetic-based Approach for Security Policies Negotiation in Web Service Environment
Amira Abdelatey and Mohamed Elkawkagy
Faculty of Computers and Information, Computer Science, Menofia University, Egypt
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2018 8:295-305
Received: December 7, 2017 | Accepted: February 14, 2018 | Published: August 15, 2018
Web services is an important in the future internet especially in the field of business. The secure interaction between requester and the provider of the service is one of the main problems. This secure interaction requires negotiation and an agreement about their security requirements. In this study, a genetic-based approach is proposed for SOAP message security negotiation. The proposed approach covers the negotiation problem as a search space of solutions for different participants. Various security levels are proposed. These levels include three key security objects identity, integrity and confidentiality of SOAP messages. The proposed Genetic-based security negotiation approach is compared with traditional time-based negotiation and the adapted traditional time-based negotiation approaches. A telemarketing case study is addressed through experimental results. Besides, the execution time and message complexity of the three approaches are provided. Experimental results show the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approach compared to other two approaches.
Cost/benefit model, genetic algorithm, message security, non-functional requirement, web service negotiation, web service security,
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