Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Introducing Usage-Based Encryption for a Secure and Versatile Access Control Scheme of Electronic Health Records on Cloud
1Marie Khair, 2Chady El Moucary and 2Walid Zakhem
1Department of Computer Science, Notre Dame University-Louaize
2Department of Electrical, Computer and Communication Engineering, North Lebanon Campus, Barsa-El Koura, Lebanon
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2018 9:344-355
Received: May 22, 2018 | Accepted: July 6, 2018 | Published: September 15, 2018
In this study, we introduce Usage-Based Encryption (UBE) approach for a secure, efficient, ubiquitous and versatile management of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) on cloud. The primordial feature lies in delegating the fundamental security guidelines and procedures to the patient in terms of encryption, access control and digital signatures. In contrast with other frequently used approaches, the proposed scheme grants the patient enhanced independence from cloud providers' policies and thus, renders increased administrative authority while sustaining a highly flexible and resourceful configuration. A comprehensive scheme is painstakingly detailed to encompass all tangible situations pertaining to a highly effective control of the EHR in a platform-free sphere. As a matter of fact, encryption and hashing modi operandi are scrupulously and relevantly fixed on to guarantee Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA). Furthermore, privileges and revocation of access are discussed in their minutiae from a usage perspective to provide patients broader maneuverability of their health records prior to housing them on clouds.
Access control, CIA, cloud, Electronic Health Record (EHR), Usage Based Encryption (UBE),
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