Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Hybrid RNS-to-Binary Converter for the Moduli Set $(2^n, 2^n-1, 2^n+1, 2^{n+1}-1)$
1Somayyeh Jafarali Jassbi and 2Amir Sabbagh Molahosseini
1Faculty Member of Computer Engineering Department, Science and Research Branch,
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2Department of Computer Engineering, Kerman Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kerman, Iran
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2013 11:2027-2031
Received: November 24, 2012 | Accepted: January 19, 2013 | Published: July 25, 2013
The four-moduli Residue Number System (RNS) sets such as $(2^n-1, 2^n, 2^n+1, 2^{n+1}-1)$ have attracted a lot of researches during recent years. However, nowadays applications require higher dynamic range. This study introduces the RNS four-moduli set $(2^n, 2^n-1, 2^n+1, 2^{n+1}-1)$ which is obtained by enhancing the moduli set $(2^n-1, 2^n, 2^n+1, 2^{n+1}-1)$. This enhancement didn’t increase the total speed of RNS arithmetic unit since the critical modulo in both of the moduli sets $(2^n-1, 2^n, 2^n+1, 2^{n+1}-1)$ and $(2^n, 2^n-1, 2^n+1, 2^{n+1}-1)$ is $2^n+1$. Besides, an efficient RNS-to-binary converter for the proposed moduli set is designed using a two-level architecture where a previous converter design for subset $(2^n, 2^n-1, 2^n+1)$ is used in the first level and then a two-channel Mixed-Radix Conversion (MRC) algorithm is considered to achieve the final result. Comparison with a recently introduced RNS-to-binary converter for a four-moduli set with the same dynamic range show that the proposed design results in higher speed.
Mixed-Radix Conversion (MRC), Residue Number System (RNS), reverse converter,
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ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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