Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Evaluation of Relationship between Conflict Management Styles and Organization Effectiveness
1Amineh Kanani and 2Ali Kangarani Farahani
1Department of Executive Management, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khouzestan, Iran
2Faculty Member of Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Khouzestan, Iran
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 4:795-800
Received: April 15, 2013 | Accepted: May 03, 2013 | Published: January 27, 2014
The present research aims at evaluation of relationship between strategies of conflict management and performance (effectiveness) of southern oil company. Therefore, the descriptive data were practically collected through field method to assess whether there is a significant relationship or not. The statistical population consisted of 92 employees and managers of southern oil company were selected via random sampling and the computation formula is defined in section three. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test was used to determine the normality of the collected data. According to the computational level of significance, the hypothesis that samples are distributed was not rejected. Also, to test determine the relationship between conflict management strategies with organization effectiveness, the Pearson correlation coefficient was applied. The present study tried to test only one major hypothesis (relationship between strategies of conflict management and organization effectiveness) was tested. Finally, the Freedman rating test was used to determine rate of conflict management strategies and dimensions of organization effectiveness separately. In conclusion section, the mathematical function of strategies of conflict management relationship with organization effectiveness based on the Pearson’s correlation coefficient was provided in form of a regression model. The result indicated that there is a significant relationship between strategies of conflict management with aspects of effectiveness (presented in the article).
Conflict management, organization effectiveness, strategies of conflict management,
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