Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Analysis and Enhancement of Service Discovery Framework
1Thangam Radhakrishnan, 2Kirubhakaran and 3J.William
1Care School of Engineering
2Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
3MAM College of Engineering, Trichy, India
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 4:807-811
Received: April 19, 2013 | Accepted: June 03, 2013 | Published: January 27, 2014
Web service is a software system designed to exploit the internet and its infrastructure for interacting with application available in remote machine in any corner of the world. Standard web protocols and XML coding are made use of .Large number of services are available on the web which can be composed to form a new useful service .Since more than one service might suite for our business application, discovering and selecting appropriate service is an challenge in e-business .We provide a spectrum of work investigated by researchers and suggest a framework which considers the QoS factors required by the clients and provide the suitable service to the client.
Composite service, QoS, registry, service discovery, UDDI, web service,
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