Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Framework to Increase Knowledge Sharing Behavior among Software Engineers
1Mobashar Rehman, 2Ahmad Kamil Mahmood, 3Rohani Salleh and 4Aamir Amin
1Department of Information Systems, Faculty of Information and Communication Technology, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kampar, Perak, Malaysia
1, 2, 4Department of Computer and Information Science
3Department of Management and Humanities
1, 2. 3, 4Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Perak, Malaysia
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 4:849-856
Received: May 17, 2013 | Accepted: June 14, 2013 | Published: January 27, 2014
Aim of this study is to increase knowledge sharing among Software Engineers. Knowledge sharing is a key activity in Software Engineering field. However, increasing knowledge sharing in Software Engineering organization is not an easy task because of the lack of experience of top management in dealing with human/social/soft aspects. Previous researches in Software Engineering field have heavily focused on technical aspects rather than non-technical (human/social/soft) aspects. Therefore, a good amount of research work needs to be done to understand the social, job/work and human factors that can affect knowledge sharing. To fill this gap in research, this study proposes a framework based on non-technical aspects of Software Engineers to increase their knowledge sharing behavior. The components which are used to propose the framework includes motivation, personality traits of software engineers, job characteristics and perception towards knowledge sharing technology. Based on extensive literature review, the study suggests that motivation, personality and job characteristics have direct relationships with knowledge sharing behavior whereas perception towards technology plays a moderating role.
Knowledge sharing behavior, motivation, personality traits and job characteristics, software engineers , technology,
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