Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Factors in Re-Finding the Personal Photographs: Review and Possible Research Directions
Mohammad Rustom Al Nasar, Masnizah Mohd and Nazlena Mohamad Ali
Faculty of Information Science and Technologi, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM, Bangi Selangor, Malaysia
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 4:857-869
Received: May 20, 2013 | Accepted: June 19, 2013 | Published: January 27, 2014
Factors effecting re-find personal photographs are often difficult to define, given its inexpressible numbers. Literature review highlights the role of human behaviors in personal photographs lifecycle such as capturing, keeping, managing and re-finding personal photographs exaggeratedly without any progress to handle all factors and so forth. Moreover, personal photographs management systems are becoming widespread, which can help people to rapidly re-find their photographs that have been seen before. Yet some research gaps remain in these systems. This study aims to clarify most possible factors, which could influence re-finding personal photographs as with strengths and weaknesses points in existing photographs management systems. It also provides propose directions for future research in this domain. A review of existing studies highlights some gaps in the literature on the role of personal photographs lifecycle, which is followed by questions for future research. Given the richness of personal photographs re-finding domain, the authors believe that the proposed questions offer avenues for scholars to explore and develop greater understanding of the role of personal photographs lifecycle in difficulty of re-finding personal photographs. The authors acknowledge that there are certain limitations to this study, namely, focusing on the review of personal photographs and not on other forms of personal information. The review presents the role of personal photographs lifecycle and its use in the context of re-finding personal photographs. Finally, this study proposes only future research directions that are far from being exhaustive, rather than presenting experimental study results. Reviewing the current literature uncovers a number of gaps regarding the difficulty of re-finding personal photographs.
Personal behavior, personal factors, personal information management, personal photographs lifecycle, photographs re-finding,
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