Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Evaluation of Multi Layers Web-based GIS Approach in Retrieving Tourist Related Information
1Rosilawati Zainol and 2Zainab Abu Bakar
1Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
2Computer Science Department, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40000 Shah Alam, Malaysia
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 5:1061-1068
Received: February 06, 2013 | Accepted: February 25, 2013 | Published: February 05, 2014
Geo-based information is getting greater importance among tourists. However, retrieving this information on the web depends heavily on the methods of dissemination. Therefore, this study intends to evaluate methods used in disseminating tourist related geo-based information on the web using partial match query, firstly, in default system which is a single layer approach and secondly, using multi layer web-based Geographic Information System (GIS) approaches. Shah Alam tourist related data are used as a test collection and are stored in a map server. Query keyword is tested using both default and multi layer systems and results are evaluated using experiments on sample data. Precision and recall are the performance measurement technique used. Findings show that multi layer web-based GIS provide enhanced capability in retrieving tourist related information as compared to default system. Therefore, in the future, web-based GIS development should utilize multi layers approach instead of the single layer method in disseminating geo-based information to users.
Precision and recall, tourist information search, web-based geographic information system,
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