Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
A Study of the Users' Attitudes and Intentions toward 4G WiMax
1Mei Ying Wu, 2Yung Chien Weng and 1Meng Chien Kao
1Department of Information Management
2Ph.D. Program of Technology Management, Chung-Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 6:1247-1254
Received: March 30, 2013 | Accepted: June 03, 2013 | Published: February 15, 2014
With the rapid development of telecommunication technologies, various high-speed wireless broadband standards have been proposed in recent years. Based on the Technology Acceptance Model and the Innovation Diffusion Theory, this study investigates the attitude of general users toward using and intending to use 4G WiMAX. Research data are collected from a survey administered to people with experience using WiMAX. Based on research results, we suggest WiMAX operators pay additional attention to the compatibility of WiMAX with other networking technologies and continue to offer services that are practical to users to influence their attitude toward WiMAX and thus their intention to use it. Moreover, WiMAX operators should accelerate their cooperation with roaming and continue to offer free trials of WiMAX to enhance the perceived usefulness of WiMAX and the users’ intention to use it. This study aims to provide some references on future development for related service operators.
4G WiMAX, innovation diffusion theory, technology acceptance model,
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