Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Optimal Analysis and Design of Power Electronic Distribution Transformer
K.Y. Ahmed, N.Z. Yahaya and V.S. Asirvadam
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS,
Tronoh, Malaysia
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 9:1734-1743
Received: March 04, 2013 | Accepted: March 29, 2013 | Published: March 05, 2014
This study proposes a new design of Power Electronic distribution Transformer (PET) by using an intelligent program to get an optimum HF operation, which leads to maximum efficiency. This PET has three stages; the input stage consists of three phases, three level PWM rectifier and isolation stage employing three level half bridge convertor connected with high frequency transformer. The output stage has a matrix converter. This new design of PET has the advantage of improving power factor, voltage sags, voltage swell, reactive power compensation, eliminating harmonic and controlling and Protecting its self (PET) with minimum size, compared to the traditional transformer. The software like MATLAB and Artificial Neural Network will be used to analyze and simulate the PET.
Converters, high frequency switching, magnetic component, optimization, power electronic transformer,
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