Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Laboratory Investigation on Performance of Cement Using Different Additives Schemes to Improve Early Age Compressive Strength
Muhannad Talib Shuker, Khalil Rehman Memon, Saleem Qadir Tunio and Muhammad Khan Memon
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 11:2298-2305
Received: July 17, 2013 | Accepted: August 16, 2013 | Published: March 20, 2014
It is essential to maintain the oil well cement integrity effectively and economically. The classical literature review of cement slurry preparation has shown high temperature in wellbore has influenced the mechanical properties of cement slurry, especially compressive strength. The compressive strength is the most important parameter when the ability of the cement to perform its necessary functions of down-hole faster placement analyzed. In past, the different additives were used to improve the performance of cement slurry by maintain compressive strength during placement. Laboratory tests carry out by Silica Fume (SF) with dispersants and fluid loss control additives at different concentrations to performed early age compressive test of nondestructive cement slurry through Ultra-Sonic Cement Analyzer (UCA). Measured result showed that 6:34 and 7:48 h aged sample have a maximum compressive strength at temperature above 120°C. It is observed that as concentration of SF increased with combined dispersants and fluid loss additives used to control& enhance compressive strength at above 120°C for the integrity of cement slurry.
Additives, compressive strength, Silica Fume,
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