Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Services Recommendation System based on Heterogeneous Network Analysis in Cloud Computing
1Junping Dong, 1Qingyu Xiong, 1Junhao Wen and 2Peng Li
1School of Software Engineering
2College of Computer Science, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 14:2858-2862
Received: January 23, 2013 | Accepted: February 25, 2013 | Published: April 12, 2014
Resources are provided mainly in the form of services in cloud computing. In the distribute environment of cloud computing, how to find the needed services efficiently and accurately is the most urgent problem in cloud computing. In cloud computing, services are the intermediary of cloud platform, services are connected by lots of service providers and requesters and construct the complex heterogeneous network. The traditional recommendation systems only consider the functional and non-functional requirements of services but ignore the links between providers and requesters of service, which result to the service position is not accurate. Focus on the problems, this study intends to model the relationship of the cloud services participants with the format of heterogeneous information network, which intend to mine the hidden relationships between services participants in the cloud computing environment. In theoretical research, we proposed a cloud service heterogeneous network extraction and automatic maintenance model, proposed a new service recommendation system based on heterogeneous service network ranking and clustering.
Cloud computing, clustering, heterogeneous network analysis, ranking, service recommendation system,
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