Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
A Qualitative Study of Domain Specific Languages for Model Driven Security
Muhammad Qaiser Saleem
College of Computer Sciences and Information Technology, Al Baha University, Al Baha,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 17:3514-3521
Received: October 19, 2013 | Accepted: November 21, 2013 | Published: May 05, 2014
In Model-Driven development, software system design is represented through models which are created using general purpose modeling languages e.g., UML. Later on system artifacts are automatically generated from these models. Model-Driven Security is a specialization of Model-Driven paradigm towards the domain of security, where security objectives are modeled along the system models and security infrastructures are directly generated from these models. Currently available general purpose modeling languages like UML do not have capability to model the security objectives along the system models. Over the past decade, many researchers are trying to address these limitations of the general purpose modeling languages and come up with several Domain Specific Modeling Languages for Model Driven Security. In this study, a comparative study is presented regarding the security Domain Specific Modeling Languages presented by the most prominent researchers for the development of secure system. A success criteria has been defined and these DSLs are critically analyzed based on it to obtain the qualitative results.
Domain specific language, model driven security , model driven software development, software modeling languages,
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