Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Research on Law's Mask Texture Analysis System Reliability
Gan Hong Seng, Tan Tian Swee and Hum Yan Chai
Department of Biotechnology and Medical Engineering, Medical Device and Technology Group, Material and Manufacturing Rasearch Alliance (MMRA), Faculty of Bioscience and Medical Engineering, Universiti Technologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Malaysia
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 19:4002-4007
Received: November 04, 2013 | Accepted: December 06, 2013 | Published: May 15, 2014
Texture analysis of X-ray bone image using Laws’ mask for direct evaluation of the bone quality has been popular. Nevertheless, detailed reliability evaluation of the system classification has been relatively unknown. In this study, we will examine the reliability of the Laws’ mask system classification by using the confusion matrix approach. The precise detection system by using standard deviation statistical descriptor is supported by the true positive of 87.5% and true negative of 83.33%. In conclusion, the statistical analysis of the texture based osteoporosis detection system’s reliability discloses a true potential in this detection technique. Nevertheless, future researches should include a larger image database to enhance the reliability of the results.
Confusion matrix, osteoporosis, statistical descriptor, texture,
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