Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
The Methodology of Exploring the Impact of Organizational Service Quality Systems on Transformation and Upgrading of Traditional Industries
1Haibin Qiu, 2Qingqing Zheng, 1Tingdi Zhao and 3Jiankun Zhao
1School of Reliability and Systems Engineering
2School of Mathematics and Systems Science, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
3Department of Academic Research, China Association for Quality, Beijing 100032, China
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 20:4187-4190
Received: July 13, 2012 | Accepted: August 28, 2012 | Published: May 20, 2014
The aim of this study is to argue that the method of agent-based modeling and simulation can be used to explore the relationship between enterprise service quality systems and transformation or upgrading of traditional industries. Enterprises in traditional industries should improve the quality of service for the transformation and upgrading of their own enterprises. The establishment, improvement and implementation of the service quality systems arevery effective ways to improve the quality of service. The culture and climate of the quality of service, which are the soul of the service quality system, determine the performance of service quality systems. The service quality systems can be evaluated and diagnosed by service quality climate survey. Customer service satisfaction survey can be used to measure the quality of service of an enterprise, because the ultimate effect of the quality of service is evaluated by customers. Compared to the conception of service quality management, the conception of transformation and upgrading of traditional industries is a more macro one. It is suggested that agent-based modeling and simulation can be used to explore the cross-scale relationship between enterprise service quality systems and industrial transformation or upgrading.
Industrial transformation and upgrading, methodology, service quality systems,
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