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     Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology

Particle Swarm Optimization Recurrent Neural Network Based Z-source Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive

1R. Selva Santhose Kumar and 2S.M. Girirajkumar
1Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, M.A.M College of Engineering
2Department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, Saranathan College of Engineering, Thiruchirappalli, India
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology  2014  23:4973-4985
http://dx.doi.org/10.19026/rjaset.7.889  |  © The Author(s) 2014
Received: January 27, 2014  |  Accepted: April ‎09, ‎2014  |  Published: June 20, 2014


In this study, the proposal is made for Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) based Z-Source Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive. The proposed method is used to enhance the performance of the induction motor while reducing the Total Harmonic Distortion (THD), eliminating the oscillation period of the stator current, torque and speed. Here, the PSO technique uses the induction motor speed and reference speed as the input parameters. From the input parameters, it optimizes the gain of the PI controller and generates the reference quadrature axis current. By using the RNN, the reference three phase current for accurate control pulses of the voltage source inverter is predicted. The RNN is trained by the input motor actual quadrature axis current and the reference quadrature axis current with the corresponding target reference three phase current. The training process utilized the supervised learning process. Then the proposed technique is implemented in the MATLAB/SIMULINK platform and the effectiveness is analyzed by comparing with the other techniques such as PSO-Radial Biased Neural Network (RBNN) and PSO-Artificial Neural Network (ANN). The comparison results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach and confirm its potential to solve the problem.


ANN, PSO, RBNN, RNN, Z-source inverter,


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ISSN (Online):  2040-7467
ISSN (Print):   2040-7459
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