Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Arabic Audio News Retrieval System Using Dependent Speaker Mode, Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient and Dynamic Time Warping Techniques
1Hasan Muaidi, 2Ayat Al-Ahmad, 1Thaer Khdoor, 1Shihadeh Alqrainy and 1Mahmud Alkoffash
1Prince Abdullah Bin Ghazi Faculty of Information Technology,
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 24:5082-5097
Received: May 31, 2013 | Accepted: April 09, 2014 | Published: June 25, 2014
Recently, audio data has increasingly becomes one of the prevalent source of information, especially after the exponential growth of using Internet, digital libraries systems and digital mobile devices. The currently massive amount of audio data stimulates working on developing custom audio retrieval tools to facilitate the audio retrieval tasks. The most familiar audio retrieval systems are based on searching using keyword, title or authors. This study presents the feasibility of using MEL Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) to extract features and Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) to compare the test patterns for Arabic audio news. The study proposes and implements architecture for content based audio retrieval system that is dedicated for the Arabic Audio News. The proposed architecture (ARANEWS) utilizes automatic speech recognition for isolated Arabic keyword speech mode; template based automatic speech recognition approach, MFCCs and DTW. ARANEWS presents a style of retrieval system that based on modeling signal waves and measuring the similarity between features that are extracted from spoken queries and spoken keywords. One of the major components that compose ARANEWS system is feature Database (ARANEWSDB). ARANEWSDB stores the extracted features (MFCCs) from the spoken keywords that are prepared to retrieve Arabic audio news. ARANEWS supports using Query by Humming (QBH) and Query by Example (QBE) instead of using query by text.
Arabic information retrieval, audio news retrieval system, dynamic time warping, frequency cepstral coefficient,
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