Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Decomposition of Dynamic p-y Curves Considering Liquefaction during Earthquakes
Baydaa Hussain Maula, Tang Liang and Ali Mahommed Gazal
Foundation of Technical Education, Baghdad, Iraq
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 24:5163-5171
Received: February 08, 2014 | Accepted: March 08, 2014 | Published: June 25, 2014
There is an established fact known that, there is a relation between the p-y resistance of piles and liquefaction formation. To investigate this fact, a single pile foundation in liquefiable soils composed of liquefiable sand and overlying soft clay was subjected to sinusoidal shaking motions will be tested. That is the basic purpose of this study was to analyze and construct a p-y curve of liquefied soil under different shaking loading conditions companied with the effects of several key design parameters were undertaken to understand the effect of pile characteristic and pore water pressure response in the zones of responding area.
Curve fitting, dynamic p-y, lateral resistance, liquefaction, pile stiffness ratio, sine wave,
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