Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Revolutionizing Technology Prioritizing Emergency Vehicles in Traffic
1B. Ramya Sundaram, 1E. Aravind, 1S. Harithaa, 1G. Karthick and 2Shriram K. Vasudevan
1Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering,
Amrita University, India
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 7:886-891
Received: June 17, 2014 | Accepted: July 19, 2014 | Published: August 20, 2014
The following study brings to the fore a technology exclusively engineered to eradicate the snags and inadequacies persisting in the existing system of traffic control and thus aims to provide a sophisticated operation and uninterrupted course for the emergency vehicles. The traffic in Indian roads has shown a tremendous rise over the years and the conventional pre-timed traffic signals and frequent traffic congestions, delaying the road commuters, have led to outrage and chaos on several occasions. This traffic management system has proved a nuisance for the effective operation of emergency vehicles, with the public adding to the woes, as each driver races along with the signal, unmindful of the emergency vehicles. A life threatening scenario ensues when emergency vehicles get blocked by the traffic, due to inefficient traffic management system and subsequently these emergency vehicles get delayed. The existing system requires manual interruption to guide other vehicles when an emergency vehicle passes through traffic junctions. It is therefore essential to implement a self-regulating and automated system in the traffic signals to facilitate smooth movement of emergency vehicles without posing a danger to other vehicles. The innovative traffic control system devised by us provides a truly dependable alternative to monitoring traffic flow when emergency vehicles pass by.
Emergency vehicles, , frequency matching, , General Purpose Input Output (GPIO), , hybrid cloud server, raspberry pi, traffic junction , traffic signals , transmitters,
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ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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