Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Explore Critical Success Factors of New Product Development in Iranian's Food Industry
1Ahmad Jafarnejad, 1Ali Mohaghar, 2Manochehre Manteghi and 1Mehrdad Yasaei
1Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
2Malek-Ashtar University of Technology, Iran
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 9:1052-1060
Received: July 17, 2013 | Accepted: August 26, 2013 | Published: September 05, 2014
In recent decades, the rate of new product development increased due to the burst of competition between organizations in developing new products, services and new markets. In such a competitive condition, the main challenge of organizations is to develop new products according to the goals of the organization and needs of customers. Therefore, this study tries to propose success factors in new product development for food industry based on a model developed using a mixed method. The preliminary model is proposed by reviewing related literature in innovation management and product development and also using semi-structured interviews with executive managers of food industry. Then using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, the validity of the model and final scales were analyzed. The results show that Strategic Thinking (ST), Product Features (PF), Skills and Abilities (SA), internal and external Team Involvement (TI), Supply Chain ability (SC), Development Process (DP) have a correlation with the success of new product development in food industries of Iran. Among these dimensions, Market Characteristic (MC) has the highest importance and after that Skills and Abilities (SA), internal and external Team Involvement (TI) got the other ranks, respectively.
Innovation , internal and external team involvement , product features , skills and abilities , strategic thinking , supply chain ability,
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