Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Comparative Evaluation of Reflective and Refractive Optical Concentration Systems in Tropical Climate
1, 2Abdulkarim Hamza El-Ladan, 1M.H. Ruslan, 1H.Y. Chan, 1K. Sopian and 1Saleem H. Zaidi
1Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), 43600 UKM Bangi, Selangor, DarulEhsan, Malaysia
1Department of Physics, Umaru Musa Yaradua University, P.M.B. 2218, Katsina,
Katsina State, Nigeria
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 11:1319-1325
Received: April ‎29, ‎2014 | Accepted: May ‎25, ‎2014 | Published: September 20, 2014
Convergence of global economic inequalities and greenhouse emissions makes it imperative that fossil-fuel dependence be replaced by renewable energy revolution. Sunlight is the only truly free and abundant global energy resource capable of replacing fossil fuels. Historically, thermal and electrical forms of energy have been generated through Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) systems. A major disadvantage of existing CSP systems lies in their long lead times, large start-up costs and integration with an advanced electricity transmission grid. Research work reported here is focused on evaluation of reflective and refractive optical concentration systems in tropical climate with the aim of developing small scale distributed electricity generation systems linked to micro grids. Evaluation of seven optical concentrators in reflection and refraction modes in tropical Malaysian climate has been carried out. The experimental methodology was based on measurement of temperature at the focal point of the optical systems as a function of time and solar irradiance. Highest temperatures achieved with reflective systems were in 200-300°C range, in contrast, Fresnel-lens based refractive systems approached temperatures in excess of ~1300°C. For the Fresnel lenses investigated, an approximate logarithmic temperature dependence on lens diameter was determined. For the Malaysian climate, sunlight to thermal energy conversion of refractive systems was determined to be significantly superior to reflective systems.
Concentration ratio , efficiency , figure of merit , fresnel lens , stagnation temperature , tropics,
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