Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Resource Optimization Based on Demand in Cloud Computing
1Ramakrishnan Ramanathan and 2B. Latha
1Department of Information Technology, Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, Chennai, India
2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai, India
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 15:1724-1731
Received: August 22, 2014 | Accepted: September 13, 2014 | Published: October 15, 2014
A Cloud Computing gives the opportunity to dynamically scale the computing resources for application. Cloud Computing consist of large number of resources, it is called resource pool. These resources are shared among the cloud consumer using virtualization technology. Virtualization technologies engaged in cloud environment is resource consolidation and management. Cloud consists of physical and virtual resources. Cloud performance is important for Cloud Provider perspective predicts the dynamic nature of users, user demands and application demand. The cloud consumer perspective, the job should be completed on time with minimum cost and limited resources. Finding optimum resource allocation is difficult in huge system like Cluster, Data Centre and Grid. In this study we present two types of resource allocation schemes such as Commitment Allocation (CA) and Over Commitment Allocation (OCA) in the physical and virtual level resource. These resource allocation schemes helps to identify the virtual resource utilization and physical resource availability.
Cloud computing, resource allocation, resource performance management, virtualization,
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