Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Fuzzy PI Controller Based Fault Analysis and Recovery in Sensorless BLDC Motor using High Gain Hybrid Converter (HGHC)
1R. Jayanthi and 2I. Gnanambal
1SCSVMV University, Enathur, Kanchipuram-631561
2Government College of Engineering, Salem-636011, Tamil Nadu, India
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 21:2195-2210
Received: August ‎22, ‎2014 | Accepted: September ‎13, ‎2014 | Published: December 05, 2014
Renewable Energy Sources (RES) has been widely used in various applications due to increase in power demand. In this study, a High Gain Hybrid Converter (HGHC) has been used to utilize maximum power from PV panel and to control the battery mode of operation such as charging/discharging in an efficient manner. In the load side, sensor less BLDC motor has been used in this study. After the back EMF is generated in the load side BLDC motor, it is taken as feedback to the HGHC. So, this will act as the main supply and thus, more power can be saved. Moreover, this research study also focuses on the transient analysis of the BLDC motor. The inverter in BLDC motor plays a vital role as it is responsible for flux generation and fixing up of angle ‘θ’ to the motor for its operation. So, the failures in the switches of the inverter would greatly affect the overall functioning of the BLDC motor. Thus, this research study focuses on the failure analysis of these switches in the inverter. In order to analyze and recover these faults, error controllers have been used in this proposed study. The simulations are carried out in MATLAB r2011a and the results are taken. The results show the significant performance of the proposed model.
BLDC motor, High Gain Hybrid Converter (HGHC), PI and fuzzy controllers,
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PMid:22916166 PMCid:PMC3420915
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