Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Automatic Discovery of Relevant Web Services with Semantic Ranking
1N. Edison Rathinam, 2Latha Parthiban and 3G. Mariakalavathy
1Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli
2Department of Computer Science, Pondicherry University, Pondicherry
3Department of Computer Science and Engineering, St. Joseph
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 22:2240-2247
Received: September ‎07, ‎2014` | Accepted: ‎September ‎20, ‎2014 | Published: December 15, 2014
The main objective of this study is to discover and rank relevant web services from the given set of WSDL documents automatically for the specified user requirements through semantic search. Current web services are described using WSDL that only provides syntactic description of a web service. This syntactic description is related with the implementation details of a service and thus customized towards the requirements of the programmer. Semantic descriptions of the web services are necessary to automatically discover many relevant web services for a specific user request. In the proposed architecture, the semantic descriptions of a given set of WSDL documents are extracted using WordNet Ontology Framework and Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO) concepts and these semantic descriptions are stored in the database along with the WSDL documents. The given set of WSDL documents are semantically categorized in to six predefined categories based on the semantic descriptions. These semantically categorized WSDL documents are searched for discovering relevant web services for a refined service request. As these relevant web services are semantically ranked and displayed, the users are facilitated with the required information. The effectiveness of this proposed architecture is evaluated with set of WSDL documents that are collected from OWLS-TC test collection. The analysis of results shows that the proposed architecture provides better improvement on recall, precision and average query response time.
Automatic service discovery, ranking of relevant services, semantic ranking, service categorization,
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