Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Energy Optimization for Wireless Sensor Networks using a Novel Dynamic Multicast Routing Protocol
1S. Sundar Raj and 2Ashish Chaturvedi
1Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Himalayan University, Arunachal Pradesh, India
2Arni School of Computer Science and Application, Arni University, Indora (Kathgarh),
Himachal Pradesh, India
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 3:305-311
Received: May 27, 2013 | Accepted: May 27, 2013 | Published: July 15, 2014
Minimization of energy consumption has always been the predominant factor deciding the acceptability of a routing protocol for wireless ad-hoc networks. In this study we have proposed a novel efficient multicast routing protocols in wireless mobile ad hoc networks is proposed. Due to the high mobility of nodes and highly dynamic topology, performing efficient and robust multicast in a Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) is a challenging task. Most of existing multicast protocols in MANETs discover the routing path by flooding message over the whole network, which result in considerable cost for routing discovery and maintenance. Moreover, the reliability of the discovered path cannot be guaranteed, since the stabilities of nodes along such path are unpredictable. Here an attempt is made to devise an algorithm combining the features of both energy efficient and low latency algorithms. The new algorithm is intended to do well in real-world scenarios where the energy capacities of the nodes are not uniform. It employs a mobility prediction based election process to construct a reliable backbone structure performing packet transmission, message flooding, routing discovery and maintenance. Several virtual architectures are used in the protocol without need of maintaining state information for more robust and scalable membership management and packet forwarding in the presence of high network dynamics due to unstable wireless channels and node movements.
Load balancing, low latency, multipath routing, scalability, wireless ad-hoc networks,
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