Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Framework for Patient Flow Improvement
1S.V. Medina-Leon, 2A. Medina-Palomera, 1A. Gonzalez-Angeles, 3P. Rogers, 1M. Gil-Samaniego-Ramos, 1J. Ceballos-Corral and 1V. Nuno-Moreno
1Facultad de Ingenier
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 3:410-422
Received: April 01, 2014 | Accepted: April 28, 2014 | Published: July 15, 2014
There has been much research where the flow of patients was improved, but most of this study is case-specific and only a few papers offer guidelines for patient flow analysis and improvement. In this study a general framework for the analysis and improvement of patient flow is presented, based on a literature review and on experience from a case study in a hospital in Mexico dealing with identifying improvement opportunities that reduced waiting times in the obstetrics/gynecology area of the emergency department. The framework involves an initial analysis using basic tools followed by the selection of a strategy based on system complexity; financial investment required and team participation. The alternative strategies considered were use of advanced analysis tools; use of kaizen events; or direct recommendations. The aim of the framework is to serve as guideline in patient flow improvement projects by helping select the most appropriate improvement path, resulting in project success.
Emergency department, healthcare , hospitals , kaizen , patient flow,
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