Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Improved Tabu Search for Parallel Identical Machines with Availability Zones (Tz, Sz)
1Rachid Zitouni and 2Omar Selt
1Laboratory of Fundamental and Numerical Mathematics, University of Setif 1, Algeria
2Department of Mathematics, University of M'sila, Algeria
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2014 3:423-428
Received: April 08, 2014 | Accepted: May 24, 2014 | Published: July 15, 2014
In this study we propose a new polynomial metaheuristic elaboration (tabu search) for solving scheduling problems. This method allows us to solve the scheduling problem of n Tasks on m identical parallel machines with availability zones (Tz, Sz). Since this problem is NP-complet in the strong sense and finding an optimal solution appears unlikely, we suggested an heuristic based on choosing the most available machine. To improve the performance of this heuristic, we used diversification strategies with the aim of exploring unvisited regions of the solution space and two well-known neighborhoods (neighborhood by swapping and neighborhood by insertion). It must be noted that tasks movement can be within one machine or between different machines. Note that all data in this problem are integer and deterministic. The performance criterion to optimize in this problem which we denote Pm//N-C//Σnj=1 wjCj is the weighted sum of the end dates of tasks.
Metaheuristic , parallel identical machines , scheduling , tabu search , unavailability periods,
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