Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Efficient Link Based Route Selection for Multicasting in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
1S. Senthil Kumar and 2V. Parthasarathy
1Department of Computer Science and Engineering, St. Peter
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 1:29-32
Received: June ‎08, ‎2014 | Accepted: July ‎19, ‎2014 | Published: January 05, 2015
Mobile Ad hoc networks have invaded some of the most traditional technologies due to the portability that comes handy with efficient communication using the ‘temporary links’ created between the nodes. One of the major issues face, however, is the link failure issue during the movement of nodes. In this study, we provide a solution to perform efficient multicasting in MANETs called Link Based Route Selection for Multicasting (LBRSM) with the link conditions considered as well. ô±‚φô±‚ô±ƒ is a novel link factor proposed that aids in choosing the best next node to reach the destinations while multicasting. The efficiency of the proposed method is evaluated by the simulations in network simulator. To prove the efficiency, we compare the simulations results of LBRSM and LSMRP to show that the LBRSM is efficient.
Ad hoc network , link factor , multicasting , mobility , network simulator , route selection,
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ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
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