Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Privacy Preserving Data Mining
1A.T. Ravi and 2S. Chitra
1Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SSM College of Engineering, Komarapalayam, India
2Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Er. Perumal Manimekalai College of
Engineering, India
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 2015 8:616-621
Received: October 10, 2014 | Accepted: November 3, 2014 | Published: March 15, 2015
Recent interest in data collection and monitoring using data mining for security and business-related applications has raised privacy. Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM) techniques require data modification to disinfect them from sensitive information or to anonymize them at an uncertainty level. This study uses PPDM with adult dataset to investigate effects of K-anonymization for evaluation metrics. This study uses Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm for feature generalization and suppression where features are removed without affecting classification accuracy. Also k-anonymity is accomplished by original dataset generalization.
Adult dataset, Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) algorithm, data mining, K-anonymization, Privacy Preserving Data Mining (PPDM),
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