Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Observations from Square Array Resistivity Response Over Ezimo Coal Field, Southeastern Nigeria
K.E. Aweto and E.O. Adaikpoh
Department of Geology, Delta State University, P.M.B. 1, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria
Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences 2014 2:90-95
Received: October 26, 2013 | Accepted: November 07, 2013 | Published: February 20, 2014
The response of the coal seam within the Mamu Formation has been studied at Ezimo in the Anambra Basin using electrical resistivity method utilizing the square array. Apparent resistivity data obtained with the square array can be interpreted using methods for Schlumberger soundings. This is done by translating apparent resistivity data obtained from the square array to those of equivalent Schlumberger array. Sounding data was interpreted using the conventional curve matching and computer iteration method. The presence of the coal seam is characterized by high resistivity values ranging from 4900-9059 &Omegam with respect to the background resistivity of the shale, sandy shale and sandstone of the Mamu Formation, which is between 74-3212 &Omegam. Depths to coal from the soundings is not uniform but ranges from a depth of 20 to 201.6 m. The non uniformity in depth to coal is attributed to the surface elevation; the coal seam is deeper in regions where elevation is higher. The results were correlated with drilling records of the study area and were found to be consistent.
Anisotropy, anomaly, coal seam, schlumberger array, square array,
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ISSN (Online): 2041-0492
ISSN (Print): 2041-0484 |
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