Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Multinomial Regression Modelling of Factors Determining Choice of Household Water Treatment Technology in Bindura Rural District of Zimbabwe
1Blessing Masamha, 1Artwell Kanda, 2Tichaona Mapuwei, 1Jephita Gotosa and 1Violet P. Dudu
1Department of Environmental Science
2Department of Mathematics and Physics, Bindura University of Science Education, P. Bag 1020, Bindura, Zimbabwe
Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2014 2:12-15
Received: May 29, 2013 | Accepted: June 18, 2013 | Published: May 25, 2014
Household Water Treatment and Safe water storage (HWTS) are options for improving the biological quality of drinking water. A multinomial logistic regression was used to model household water treatment technologies of chlorination, boiling and bios and filtration against the most important socio-economic factors influencing choice of technology of treatment in Bindura rural district. Structured questionnaires were administered to 252 House Holds (HH) sampled from six district wards. Government assistance, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) support, health club membership, training in hygiene were the most important factors influencing choice of household water treatment as shown by the Wald statistics; Log Likelihood ratios (-2LL) and corresponding p-values. The odds ratios for each factor also considered relative to the reference category (chlorination). Model goodness of fit tests showed that pseudo-R2 of Negelkerke was 55.7% and the Cox and Snell R2 was 43.5% indicating that the fitted model was adequate since almost 55.7% of the total variation is explained by the models. Log Likelihood ratios showed the significance of removing each factor and all factors were significant except for the household size factor. Training programs on health hygiene, water treatment and club membership should be enhanced to increase adoption of various treatment methods in the Bindura rural.
Bindura, household water treatment technology, multinomial modeling, socio-economic factors,
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ISSN (Online): 2040-7505
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