Research Article | OPEN ACCESS
Manipulation of Slurry Density of Red Mud Clay in the Separation of Fine/Coarse Palm Kernel Shell
C.I.O Kamalu, K.N. Nwaigwe and M.S. Nwakaudu
School of Engineering and Engineering Technology, Federal University of Technology, P.M.B. 1526, Owerri, Nigeria
Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2015 3:27-32
Received: October 06, 2012 | Accepted: March ‎25, ‎2015 | Published: August 25, 2015
A work on the manipulation of slurry density of red mud clay in the separation of fine/coarse palm kernel shell is presented. Measured mass quantities of clay were added intermittently into 100 L of water and its density calculated and recorded. Different mass quantities of kernel/shell mixture were poured into the mud clay slurry, and stirred. The part of Kernel/shell mixture that floated were scooped off and the Kernel hand-picked and weighed. The plot of weight of floated kernel against specific gravity of the slurry shows a sigmoidal profile (asymptotic to sp. gravity axis). Curve fitting the profile with the superimposition of a model eqn on it gives an R2 of 99.85% using MATLAB Toolbox 7.0. The derived equation for floating kernel mass against mud slurry density fitted the profile with R2 of 99.85%. At near stokes’ regime i.e., n = 2/3, the sp. Gravities of kernel and shell as well as shell diameter are 0.8349, 1.037 and 1.04 cm respectively, while, at Newton’s regime they are 0.7242, 0.9082 and 1.114cm respectively. As the sp. gravity of the mud clay slurry begins to approach 2.81 the floated kernel mass begins to be constant and highest.
Coarse, fine, float, kernels, mud slurry density, mass, shells separation,
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