Article Information:
Order Statistics for Exponential-Poisson Distribution
Rasool Tahmasbi
Corresponding Author: Sadegh Rezaei
Submitted: 2009 July, 15
Accepted: 2009 December, 26
Published: 2010 March, 20 |
In this study, we introduced the order statistics of exponential-Poisson distribution arising from
combination of exponential distribution with a truncated Poisson distribution. Various properties of the
proposed distribution are discussed. The estimation of the parameters attained by the EM and nested EM
algorithms and their asymptotic variances and covariance are obtained. In order to assess the accuracy of the
approximation of variances and covariance of the maximum likelihood estimators, sim ulation studies are
performed and experimental results are illustrated, based on real data sets.
Key words: DFR, exponential distribution, IFR, nested EM algorithm, truncated Poisson distribution, ,
Cite this Reference:
Rasool Tahmasbi, . Order Statistics for Exponential-Poisson Distribution. Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, (1): Page No: 1-13.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7505
ISSN (Print): 2042-2024 |
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