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     Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

2012(Vol.4, Issue:1)
Article Information:

Effect of Convolution between Two Complex Waves having the Same Angular Frequencies with Amplitude Spectrum Analysis in Frequency Domain

A.N.M. Rezaul Karim
Corresponding Author:  A.N.M. Rezaul Karim 
Submitted: November 21, 2011
Accepted: Januray 04, 2012
Published: February 25, 2012
As digital signal processing continues to emerge as a major discipline in the field of electrical engineering, an even greater demand has evolved to understand the basic theoretical concepts involved in the development of varied and diverse signal processing systems. The most fundamental concepts employed are the sampling theorem, Fourier transforms, convolution, covariance, etc. The intent of this paper will be to address the concept of convolution and to present Convolved signal between Two Complex Waves having the same angular frequencies with Amplitude Spectrum Analysis in Frequency Domain The Fourier series gives us a very important and useful way of representing an image while it is a very powerful representation for many reasons, we will mainly introduce it as a way of understanding the effect of Convolution between two complex waves, how the losing local information of the spectrum.

Key words:  Attenuation, convolution, fourier series, frequency spectrum, , ,
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Cite this Reference:
A.N.M. Rezaul Karim, . Effect of Convolution between Two Complex Waves having the Same Angular Frequencies with Amplitude Spectrum Analysis in Frequency Domain. Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, (1): 6-9.
ISSN (Online):  2040-7505
ISSN (Print):   2042-2024
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