Article Information:
Transfer Function Modelling as a Tool for Solving Manufacturing System Dysfunction
A.C. Igboanugo and C.C. Nwobi-Okoye
Corresponding Author: A.C. Igboanugo
Submitted: December 02, 2011
Accepted: January, 10, 2012
Published: December 01, 2012 |
Wastes, poor quality products and downtimes are serious problems usually encountered during
production which are often caused by ineffective maintenance and improper determination of process
capability. The sensitivity and versatile applicability of transfer function modelling as an off-line tool for
dealing with these types of problems is discussed. This study seeks to investigate the relationship among
process variability, maintenance, process noise and controlled output in relation to the transfer function
characteristics. A conceptual model of single-input-single-output production system, considering maintenance
as one of the inputs, was developed and the transfer function synthesised. A random survey of twenty firms in
Nigeria was conducted and the outcomes suggest that maintenance and related production variables contribute
significantly to degraded output and process variability. Our result showed that there is a strong relationship
between the ratio of controller output θ(s) and process noise θe(s), on the one hand and the transfer function
characteristics namely k and τR, which can be manipulated to appreciably reduce product degradation and
control process variability. Moreover, we showed that transfer function characteristics can be used to determine
the need for process facilities maintenance. The study has ably demonstrated that transfer function is very
effective in fault diagnosis.
Key words: Maintenance , manufacturing dysfunction, process noise, production process, transfer function, ,
Cite this Reference:
A.C. Igboanugo and C.C. Nwobi-Okoye, . Transfer Function Modelling as a Tool for Solving Manufacturing System Dysfunction. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (23): 4948-4953.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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