Article Information:
Using Matlab with Quadrilateral Finite Elements in Analysis of Multilayered Nonhomogeneous Soils under Strip Footing
Ahmed Qasim Obaid Al-Ramthan
Corresponding Author: AHMED QASIM OBAID
Submitted: 2011 September, 25
Accepted: 2011 November, 04
Published: 2012 April, 01 |
Natural soils are often comprised of separate layers. Foundations of engineering structures are
designed to transfer and distribute their loading to the underlying soil and/or rock. Therefore, the designer must
ensure that the structure does not suffer from excessive displacements. In this research, it is intended to make
a generalized numerical solution through a computer program has written in MATLAB to analyze a
multilayered nonhomogeneous (Gibson-type) soil, where the stiffness contrast exists between layers, by
determining the displacements and stresses under strip footing during applied incremental loading sequence.
This research presents a plane strain two-dimensional finite element method. In this method, the soil is divided
into several 4-node quadrilateral elements. The general behavior of a multilayered soil profile and the influences
of strip foundations resting on soils having homogeneous (constant modulus with depth) to Gibson-type
(linearly increasing modulus) profiles are studied. The influences of foundation size and embedment,
incremental loading, and soil stratifications are considered in this study.
Key words: Finite element method, MATLAB, multilayered soils, nonhomogeneous soils, strip footing, ,
Cite this Reference:
Ahmed Qasim Obaid Al-Ramthan, . Using Matlab with Quadrilateral Finite Elements in Analysis of Multilayered Nonhomogeneous Soils under Strip Footing. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (07): 717-723.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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