Article Information:
A Class of A-Stable Block Explicit Methods for the Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations
J.P. Chollom, I.O. Olatunbasun and S. Omagu
Corresponding Author: J.P. Chollom
Submitted: May 01, 2012
Accepted: June 01, 2012
Published: June 30, 2012 |
The search for high order A-Stable numerical methods has been between implicit Rung-Kutta
methods and implicit Linear multistep methods. The cost of implementation of these methods is high due to
its implicitness. Explicit A-stable multistep methods will be most desirable for the treatment of non-linear
Ordinary Differential equations. This study constructed a class of A-stable Block adams bashfort explicit
(Babe) methods including their hybrid forms. The new methods tested on non-linear initial value problems
show that they perform well and favourably compete with the Block hybrid adams moulton (Bham)
methods of a higher order.
Key words: A-stable, Bham methods, block hybrid, explicit, initial value problems, non-linear, , ,
Cite this Reference:
J.P. Chollom, I.O. Olatunbasun and S. Omagu, . A Class of A-Stable Block Explicit Methods for the Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations. Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, (2): 52-56.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7505
ISSN (Print): 2042-2024 |
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