Article Information:
Modelling the Epidemiology of Malaria: A Case Study of Wassa West District in the Western Region of Ghana
I.A. Adetunde and N. Yawson
Corresponding Author: I.A. Adetunde
Submitted: 2010 June, 09
Accepted: 2010 July, 23
Published: 2010 September, 30 |
This study deals w ith modelling of the epidemiology of M alaria in the Wassa W est District. The SIR
model proposed by O. Kermack and Anderson Gray M ckendrick and data obtained from the District Health
Management Team-DHMT, Tarkwa were used to analyze the rate of infection of Malaria in the District. It was
discovered that Ro > 0. From the principle of Ro which states that when Ro < 0, the infection will die out w ith
a certainty. But if Ro > 0, there will be a proper Malaria outbreak, Based on the basic reproductive rate Ro,
which is greater than 0, it was observed that the force of infection of Malaria in the Wassa West District is high.
The necessary recommendations for the reduction of malaria were made.
Key words: Basic reproductive rate, district health management team, epidemiology of malaria, SIR, Wassa West District, ,
Cite this Reference:
I.A. Adetunde and N. Yawson, . Modelling the Epidemiology of Malaria: A Case Study of Wassa West District in the Western Region of Ghana. Research Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, (3): Page No: 105-111.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7505
ISSN (Print): 2042-2024 |
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