Article Information:
Analysis of the Temperature Effect on the Infinite Multiplication Factor for HEU-UAl4 and LEU-UO2 Lattices of GHARR-1
E. Alhassan, N.A. Adoo, G.K. Appiah, A.N. Adazabra, E.A. Alhassan, S.E. Agbemava, V.Y. Agbodemegbe, R. Della and C.Y. Bansah
Corresponding Author: Erwin Alhassan
Submitted: 2010 December, 28
Accepted: 2011 January, 27
Published: 2011 March, 30 |
The purpose of the study is to analyze the temperature effect on the infinite multiplication factor for
light water moderated High Enriched Uranium (HEU)-UAl4 and Low Enriched Uranium (LEU)-UO2 lattices
of the Ghana Research Reactor-1 (GHARR-1). To quantify the contribution of each component of the infinite
multiplication factor with respect to temperature within the 20 to 140ÂșC range, cell calculations were performed
for the two MNSR typical lattices: the 90.2% enriched HEU-UAl4 and 12.6% enriched LEU- UO2 proposed fuel
of the Ghana Research Reactor-1 (GHARR-1) using SCUBA, a locally developed FORTRAN 95 code for the
calculations and analysis of temperature coefficients of GHARR-1. It was observed that at the beginning of life
of the core, the temperature coefficient of the resonance escape probability and that of the thermal utilization
factor, contributed significantly to the negative temperature coefficient of the infinite multiplication factor
obtained for both fuels.
Key words: Core conversion, Ghana Research Reactor-1, infinite multiplication factor, reactor inherent safety, temperature effect, zero Burnup,
Cite this Reference:
E. Alhassan, N.A. Adoo, G.K. Appiah, A.N. Adazabra, E.A. Alhassan, S.E. Agbemava, V.Y. Agbodemegbe, R. Della and C.Y. Bansah, . Analysis of the Temperature Effect on the Infinite Multiplication Factor for HEU-UAl4 and LEU-UO2 Lattices of GHARR-1. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (03): 172-178.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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