Article Information:
Modulation Technique Using Boundary-Pulse-Width for a Single-phase Power Inverter
O. Aloquili, J.A. Ghaeb and I.D. AL-Khawaldeh
Corresponding Author: Igried Dib Al-Khawaldeh
Submitted: 2010 June, 01
Accepted: 2010 July, 03
Published: 2010 September, 10 |
The pulse-width-modulation technique plays a very important role in the inverter gain control. New
varied-pulse width techniques for power inverters of two schemes have been introduced in this study: Small
Boundary-Pulse-W idth Technique (SBPW), and Large Boundary-Pulse-Width technique (LBPW). These
techniques are developed to improve the inverter operation, based on minimum harmonic contents in the output
voltage. The original pulse-w idth of an inverter operation is divided into multiple pulses of variable widths per
half cycle. For the SBPW method a middle pulse and several boundary pulses per half cycle are deduced. The
middle pulse is given the largest width and the boundary pulses are taken small widths. For LBPW method the
opposite is considered. A software-model was developed by the authors to determine the conduction angles and
their gating angles required for the inverter drive. The advantage of these techniques allow a modifying in the
number of pulses per half cycle and their widths, leading to an inverter operation with less generation of
harmonics. The SBPW technique makes the inverter output voltage closer to a sinusoidal form. Therefore, the
optimal inverter performance is obtained with this technique.
Key words: Converters, multiple-pulse width modulation control, power inverters, pulse-width modulation, , ,
Cite this Reference:
O. Aloquili, J.A. Ghaeb and I.D. AL-Khawaldeh, . Modulation Technique Using Boundary-Pulse-Width for a Single-phase Power Inverter. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, (6): Page No: 532-542.
ISSN (Online): 2040-7467
ISSN (Print): 2040-7459 |
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